October 2012
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. CLEANSKY
The future of CLEANSKY. Clean Sky 2 will ensure both the full achievement of the aCare targets for 2020, maturing the technologies through still more integrated aircraft demonstration platforms and start the journey to the more far-reaching objectives of the new Strategic research and innovation agenda. Skyline Issue 8
11 – 12.10.2012
ASD 2012 Convention – Technology Forum. On the Eruopean level, ACARE will be invited to the event to present AERA-Pro project and the SRIA. ASD/Governo de Portugal.
European research on green aerospace technologies boosted by new action roadmap and Clean Sky extension. GREENAIR, Independent Reporting on Aviation and the Environment.
SAVE THE DATE – Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Aviation Dissemination Workshop at Centro Italiano Ricerche Aereospaziali (CIRA) in Capua, Italy on October 24th, 2012. DTA, Distretto Tecnologico Aerospaziale del Lazio.
Autumn 2012
European Aviation Industry to protect the environment and the energy supply. By Dr Naresh Kumar, ACARE Communication Group Chair. European Energy Innovation (EEI)
Clean Sky 2. By Eric Dautriat, Executive Director, Clean Sky JU. Clean Sky, a Public Private Partnership between the European Commission and the Aeronautical Industry, was set up to bring significant step changes regarding the environmental impact of aviation. European Energy Innovation (EEI)
AERA-Pro sito è ora online.
Volunteers are being requested to assist the dissemination of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda throughout Europe. To volunteer yourself for one of the dissemination events, please use the Aera-Pro Calendar Doodle to signify your availability. Aerospace, Aviation & Defence Knowledge Transfer Network
Farnborough International Airshow Clean Sky invited ACARE on its stand and as a world premiere. CLEANSKY
FP7 Programme ‘Aera-Pro’ to disseminate ACARE Strategic Research. Aerospace, Aviation & Defence Knowledge Transfer Network
AERA-Pro Project – Communicating EU Aeronautics Research. TRIP, Transport Research & Innovation Portal
Clean Sky and SRIA will jointly participate to Farnborough Airshow. Check the latest news on Clean Sky June Newsletter. CLEANSKY
Il sito di AERA-Proè ora online!
The kick -off meeting of Aera-Pro project was organised at ASD premises on the 20th of January. The partners discussed about the activities and organisation of events and conferences. After the presentation of the project a detailed action list was defined.